Minnesota Short Call Substitute Licensure
Substitute teacher rate is $130 per day ($65 for half day)


Licensure Teachers  - please apply through a seperate posting on our website.


After your application is complete, please contact Jane Mattson at 651-480-7024 to make appointment to fill out hiring documents at  the district office.  You will need to bring:  your Passport OR your Driver's License and your Social Security Card OR your Driver's License and Certified Copy of your Birth Certificate.  You will also need to bring a voided check.


You will also need to have the short call substitute license form completed and available to be signed by the Superintendent.  These forms are available from the Minnesota Department of Education.


You will be required to sign a release for a criminal history background check and required to write a personal check payable to: ISD #200.

The district office is located at 1000 West 11th Street Hastings, MN. the standard background check is $21.00, addtional States/Names are an additional cost.


Your name will not be added to the substitute list until you come in to the district office with your required documents and your background check report has been received.


District #200 uses the AESOP Sub Placement System.